2016-2017 Winter Break

After wrapping up the Fall 2016 semester I went offline for a few days. Didn’t spend much time on the computer at all. Got caught up some TV shows, played some video games, hung out with my wife and kids. Just enjoyed not having school work for a few days.

It took a few days for final grades to be posted, but I walked away with an A in MAT 343 Linear Algebra and an A- in MAT 275 Differential Equations. The class seemed to do poorly on the final exam with an average of 45% if I remember correctly (ouch!). The professor made some beneficial adjustments. A bit annoyed it wasn’t an A, but regardless it feels great to have all the ASU math wrapped up.

After recuperating from MAT 275 and MAT 343 I’ve been keeping busy working on professional development units for my PMP certification. I’m a member of PMI and through that membership, I’ve got access to a lot free webinars on projectmanagement.com that will count. I’ve been listening to those daily and getting close to being done with all that I need for this cycle.

I’ve also been tinkering around a little bit with a new Arduino Due board. A local artist incorporates lights, sound and movement into his work and was curious if an Arduino would be able to play various wave files to accompany his painting. Results look promising and the cost appears to be lower than the what he has been using in the past. Once the sound part is working, he may want to look into a motion sensor and motor control, but I’ll tackle those if they come up. I’ll try and post some more information on what I’ve been working on once a few more parts arrive to finish up that project in the next few weeks.

I must confess, I’ve been a bit lazy in regards to reading ahead in my physics textbook. I didn’t get much done there. Spring 2017 Session A officially starts up on Monday 1/9. I’ve heard rumors already that some classes are already online, but nothing as of this morning for PHY 131 and PHY 132. I’m sure I’ll see them soon enough and it will be back to studying soon.

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